Thank you for all you do. I’d like to convey my deepest sense of appreciation for your dedication and hard work before, during, and after my hospitalization.... You are an awesome doctor.
What a journey this has been, but we are so glad that you were there to guide, encourage, and support us every step of the way.
I am so grateful to you for taking such good care of me and for making me feel special.... I could never have gotten this far without you.
Thank you for saving me and my life.... Most of all thank you for never giving up on me. Even when I gave up on myself.
You are the best doctor I have ever encountered.
You are the best doc I have ever had.... Thank you for making me feel like your only favorite patient.
I don’t know if I would be here today without you.... You have been a great doctor. Thank you for everything you have done for me and for being a great inspiration.
You always believed in me and in your ability to help me – that alone makes you stand out as a hero. You are more than a doctor and more than special to me.
Thank you for your honest, straightforward, holistic approach. For being here. For seeing me. For what you do. for the hope of healing. For your wisdom, intelligence, experience, expertise. Thank you for being my doctor, and someone I truly trust.
Up until I was 13 I had a huge fear of needles. My doctor I had when I was little would hold me down while nurses gave me shots and I would cry and scream from fear. Dr. Schack made it so anyone can give me a shot and I have no problem with it anymore. She talked me through my fear and slowly but surely I overcame it. She’s the most wonderful doctor and she’s a wonderful person.
Thank you so much for your faith and commitment to healing... I appreciate all your time, investment, and knowledge in my health. So glad to have been able to have a doctor like you.