Get Your Flu Shot


Flu shots are now available for the 2019-2020 flu season. We also have live nasal spray vaccine on order, which is suitable for patients under 50. Seasonal flu cases will likely increase in December, so vaccinations should be dne as soon as possible. Influenza (seasonal flu) is the most common vaccine-preventable disease. In the United States, influenza causes an estimated 38 million missed school days, 114,000 hospitalizations, and 36,000 deaths every year.

Previously the flu vaccine was especially recommended for people with chronic medical conditions. However, the current recommendation is to immunize everyone over the age of 6 months, every year. If you are a college student, the vaccine is generally available on campus; check with your student health center.

Flu shots are very well tolerated; the main side effect is possible soreness at the injection site. Much less frequently, some people experience aches and fever for a day or two after the shot. The viruses in the vaccine have been killed (injectable) or weakened (nasal spray), so you cannot get the flu from the vaccine. Allergic reactions are extremely rare (please let us know prior to making your appointment if you have ever had a serious reaction to eggs or a previous dose of vaccine). Flu shots must be given every year because the virus changes over time. We will be stocking and administering the vaccine through the month of March, but don’t wait!

Members of your family of any age (above 6 months old) may receive the vaccine in our office after completing a simple screening form.

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